
Are you tired of feeling like you’re just going through the motions of life?

Knowing deep inside there is a more nourishing way to live and honour your desires for your life?


About Julie-Anne

Julie-Anne is a coach deeply passionate about guiding her clients to understanding themselves and removing conditioning so they can bring their unlimited potential and purpose to life.

Working with both the body and mind and using the tools of kinesiology, NLP, intuition and Human Design, she clears her clients energetic and emotional blocks so that they can bring their gifts and gold to their world with ease.

Ultimately she will guide you back to your own internal wisdom, to connect more deeply to the answers that live within your body and to assist you to let go of any beliefs, patterns and emotions that are blocking you from living your most lit up, open hearted and fulfilled life.

Work With Me


    A 90 minute breakthrough session for new & existing clients wanting to have a breakthrough in a certain area of their life.

  • The Spiral Journey

    A 9 week transformational and life changing journey. The Spiral is a powerful process for clearing the emotional baggage and conditioning that stops us from expressing our true authentic selves.

  • Align Journey

    A 6 week process that brings you into alignment with a specific area of your life you wish to have more stability, success, clarity and confidence.

  • Human Design Readings

    A 1 hour Human Design reading to give you a snapshot of your unique energetic blueprint. You’ll walk away with a permission slip to step into your authentic self, fully trust your intuition and innate gifts.



“I've just completed The Spiral with the beautiful Pixie and it has been such an amazing experience. Being in Pixie's energy is a gift in itself - she creates such a safe container from the get-go and truely holds space for you whilst graciously challenging you on the things that are holding you back. She never rushes the sessions and she always ensures that you have everything you need to move forward at each stage of the journey. I can't recommend working with Pixie enough; I know that I'll be reaping the benefits of this investment for many years to come”.

— Kirstene Ciappara, Sydney

“I started working with 'Pixie' (Julie Anne) when I was at absolute rock bottom and wasn't sure where to turn to or what to do next - and for me it was the best decision I could have made and a big reason why I was able to bounce back quickly from the darkest time of my life. 

Her ability to be fully present, have me feel safe, seen and supported is as good as it gets from a coaching point of view and her ability to 'tap into' my energy and find the answers truly is an incredible super power of hers.”


“Through Kinesiology and Human Design, Julie-Anne has helped to transform my understanding of how I engage in literally every aspect of my life. She is smart, curious, well read and has exceptional intuition and an uncanny ability to tap into what is unsaid and get to the heart of an issue. She has ignited in me a curiosity about who I am in this world and how I can be a better version of myself. I find myself encouraging anyone who will listen to work with her – my friends, work colleagues, family members – and she never disappoints. I am inspired by the power of the work she does to heal and transform. She is a wonder.”